Thursday, March 12, 2015

Slice of Life Day 12~New perspectives

Our class is fortunate to have a student teacher join our class for the year! It's such an honor to learn and grow alongside a student teacher, but it's not easy. This week I am taking on a new perspective…

sitting back, listening, watching and thinking….

I Hear~
Kids commenting on the lesson
Kids talking quietly as others share with the group
Some kids repeating the same answer over and over and over
Some kids laughing
Someone making sounds with their mouth
An excited teacher talking with the class seated around her

I See~
Some kids raising their hands
Some kids sitting quietly
All kids looking at the teacher
A student teacher glowing in her opportunity

I Wonder~
Do they do this for me?
How would I deliver the lesson?
Would it be the same as I envision sitting here?
Does the noise maker know they are making sounds with their mouth?
Will the noise maker ever stop?
What are the intentions of those repeating the answer over and over and over again?
Does the teacher teaching hear the samethings I hear?
Do they know I still care?

this is undoubtedly the HARDEST thing I have ever had to do.


  1. I love the format of your writing. I might need to borrow the structure sometime!

  2. It's hard not to jump up and help, I bet, or quiet the noise maker. All this noticing will help both of you refine your teaching.

  3. I had my first student teacher two years ago, and it was such an adjustment - but I loved every minute of it. Now she is a colleague, which make it even more wonderful! Enjoy this time that you get to sit back, watch and reflect.

  4. You really captured what is is like to have a student teacher. I had one two years ago and I remember how much I wanted to have my kids back and how I would have delivered the lesson. I decided it was probably best to have a student teacher every other year. You do learn a lot from each other in the process.

  5. I love how you wrote this post.
