Thursday, March 26, 2015

Slice of Life day 26~ Room Reorganization

Thank you to Two Writing Teachers for hosting the Slice of Life March challenge.  I am joining other bloggers and writing every day in March.  Please visit their site to read other slices and please remember to let the blogger know you read their post, share the love in the comments! 

Tomorrow is the last weekday of our spring break and I am very excited about my plans for the day!  I am not going on any trips, or to lunch with a friend and I have no plan to curl up with a good book!    So what has me so excited about my final day of spring break?

I am planning to meet Mary Kay (our student teacher) at school to do some reorganizing and cleaning!  There is something about being in the classroom when the staff and kids are out.  Ideas seem to percolate as I tinker and clean.  I want Mary Kay to have this experience before her time with us is over. There is just something about walking into a fresh classroom!

Here's the plan…so far~

  • Meet at 930 with coffee 
  • Replace old dried up markers,  stubby broken crayons, and  chewed up eraser less pencils with BRAND NEW markers, crayons and pencils! 
  • Wipe down tables and counters.
  • Put out POETRY books!
  • Put away snow and winter books. 
  • Reorganize book baskets.
  • Retape charts and labels.
  • Add a new table to the room and arrange furniture to make the best use of the new table. 
  • Add an indoor fountain. 
  • Set the room up for Monday. 
I want Mary Kay experience the beauty of walking into a fresh room, but most importantly I want Mary Kay to see the details of a room arrangement.  Teachers need to consider so many things when setting up a room, its something I want Mary Kay to experience in her time with our class.  

You can read more about my thoughts on room set up and design below. 


  1. So true. It is a wonderful feeling to have quiet time in our classrooms.

    What a great experience you are sharing with your student teacher!

  2. I can't wait to see the end result!
